I just returned from another powerful experience! I am not sure how many more I can tell you about! You know the "DeYoung Syndrome "of mucho tears! We are going on a safari this weekend which should be fun to tell you about! Mimi, be sure and pray for Nana as I will see lions this weekend!
Because I will be gone this weekend I said good bye to Angeline and the babies I have been helping to feed since I got here. I think she is going home tomorrow, at least she is bound and determined to go home. She is sick of the hospital diet of rice and beans! She feels that the babies will gain more weight if she can have meat in her diet at home and if the babies can sleep in her bed with her and her husband. We will see if the nurse and doctor agree with her tomorrow.
I asked her to write the names of all of the members of her family.....husband and seven children. She did, both their Christian names and their Kenyan names. Then I wrote the names of all my children, and my grandchildren. We promised to pray for each others' families. At that point we both got tears in our eyes. That was significant because Kipsigis do not show much emotion. You have to understand that this was with a language barrier as well. I will never forget it nor will I forget those babies though I probably will never see them again in this life.
They will live in my heart.
This weekend should be fun....you will hear about it on Monday. Have a great weekend.
love you and loved hearing eliza's and anna's voices yesterday.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
What's in a name?

Names are very difficult in Kenya for me(and even Micki has difficulty) and "naming" is complicated. The names can represent the location of birth, the season of birth, the time of the day as well as their "Christian" name. As you have heard, twins, "pacha", are a frequent occurance and are considered a "zawadi" or gift or "bahati" or lucky. The obstetric view is a little more complicated. Many of these twin births have associated anomalies as well as the hazards to the mother during her pregnancy and delivery. What has been essential to the care of these women has been the presence of a portable ultrasound that can help us "see" and make the diagnosis of both the twins and the associated abnormalites.
On the wall of the medical building there is a mural that has the following poem/prayer:
"Every single one has a name, and everytime they cry you feel their pain, broken and bleeding, abandoned and needing your love to reach them where they are, Lord let me play a part to bring a life of hope for change cause every single one has a name."
The good news is that is nurses, physicians and adminstration are responding everyday here at Tenwek.
p.s. I have finally figured out loading pictures...check out the "Tenwek Arrival"
On the wall of the medical building there is a mural that has the following poem/prayer:
"Every single one has a name, and everytime they cry you feel their pain, broken and bleeding, abandoned and needing your love to reach them where they are, Lord let me play a part to bring a life of hope for change cause every single one has a name."
The good news is that is nurses, physicians and adminstration are responding everyday here at Tenwek.
p.s. I have finally figured out loading pictures...check out the "Tenwek Arrival"
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Yesterday I met Consulata and her sister Cecelia, both Tutu refugees from Rwanda who have lived here for about 10 years. They are beautiful, intelligent women. Cecelia had asked the missionary wife that she works for if someone could talk to her sister as she has been extremely depressed and threatening suicide. By the way Cecelia is 29 is a widow (husband died of esophageal cancer which is endemic here) and has 6 children. Now my social work skills are a little out of date, but I agreed to listen to her which as we know from Stephen ministry is one of the most important things we can do. Her English was beautiful and so it was easy to communicate. Her parents allowed her to have a "Christian" marriage with a Kenyan after he promised that she could go to "college" since she had finished secondary school and had a strong desire to be educated. Her parents returned to Rwanda and were murdered. In the last ten years she has had 4 children with her husband and he has helped many of his relatives to go on to further education. However, he has not keep his promise to her and this is probably because the mother in law promotes others in the family.(mother in law problems are universal:) ) She finally could not stand the situation and left her mother in law (the husband works in Nairobi) and moved in with her sister. The husband has not contacted her in the month she has been gone. This is the cause of her despair....she is trapped. Now where do you start with a problem like this?
She is looking for work but it is very difficult to find here. She has checked into colleges and found that the tuition for the program she would like to take is 5000 shillings or about $220.00 a year for tuition, room and board ,food, and child care!!! By the way, she wants to be a pre school teacher and perhaps run an orphanage. Imagine how many lives she could effect. Imagine how her life could be changed for $220.00!
We have not contacted her yet, but we think we have found an anonymous way to pay her way to "college". We will work through a permanent missionary here and have the missionary pay the tuition. So stay tuned and I will let you know the outcome in the next few days. We can't solve most of the problems here, but I felt that this young woman had been placed in my life for a reason. I am grateful for her!!!!!
mom and dad
micki and marv
ps. Presbyterian Women Circle Friends....They LOVE the pens. Thanks alot!
She is looking for work but it is very difficult to find here. She has checked into colleges and found that the tuition for the program she would like to take is 5000 shillings or about $220.00 a year for tuition, room and board ,food, and child care!!! By the way, she wants to be a pre school teacher and perhaps run an orphanage. Imagine how many lives she could effect. Imagine how her life could be changed for $220.00!
We have not contacted her yet, but we think we have found an anonymous way to pay her way to "college". We will work through a permanent missionary here and have the missionary pay the tuition. So stay tuned and I will let you know the outcome in the next few days. We can't solve most of the problems here, but I felt that this young woman had been placed in my life for a reason. I am grateful for her!!!!!
mom and dad
micki and marv
ps. Presbyterian Women Circle Friends....They LOVE the pens. Thanks alot!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
My day in Kenya
It is pouring rain and has been most of the day with lots of thunder to boot. No lightening.
I have been to feed the twins and they are doing so well. They are now on a feeding cup instead of the feeding tube and perhaps will go home on Friday. They do not use bottles in rural Kenya as it is too expensive. We feed the babies from a pliable rubber cup from which we slowly pour the formula into their tiny premie mouths. It is difficult at times to get them to swallow. I met the husband yesterday and he promised the nurse that he would be able to buy formula or "nan" as they call it each month. This is very expensive for them...6000 shillings or 83 dollars a month. If the babies go on cows' milk because the mother is not producing enough breast milk they will die. This has been a heartache for the neonatal nurse. She told me that she has been praying for a year for a solution to this problem. Just recently her prayer has been answered and a pediatrician has set up a "nan fund" here. Lena, the nurse(a fabulous, beautiful person) will administer it. She will give indigent moms a month's supply of nan, they will come back to have the babies' weighed at a month and then she will determine if they qualify for another month. when they are about 5 months and a certain weight they can go on cow's milk. Most families of any means have their own cow. This fund will always need more money and I think it would be a great cause for some of us in the states.
The mother I have been working with(Angeline) asked me today if I had another towel. By this I think that she meant she only had one blanket and two babies! Remember ultrasound is only used in emergencies here. So she brought only one blanket and now will have two babies going home to join their 7 brothers and sisters. I called Nairobi this morning and asked the driver to bring me two new baby blankets. I hope he is successful in finding them.
Fortunately people are beginning to be interested in family planning as a result of the community education that Tenwek is doing. The husband told me that "no more babies" because they did something to his wife! Incidently, she has had 3 sets of twins(one set died). Twins incidence is high here.
There is so much more to say....A Masai grandmother and grandfather asked me to pray with them this morning. Their daughter had an emergency section, is in the ICU, and the baby is very premature. They were the sweetest people......both with their identifying long ear lobes. Just like all parents and grandparents they were very concerned and upset.
I could go on and on but enough for today,
mom and dad,
micki and marv
I have been to feed the twins and they are doing so well. They are now on a feeding cup instead of the feeding tube and perhaps will go home on Friday. They do not use bottles in rural Kenya as it is too expensive. We feed the babies from a pliable rubber cup from which we slowly pour the formula into their tiny premie mouths. It is difficult at times to get them to swallow. I met the husband yesterday and he promised the nurse that he would be able to buy formula or "nan" as they call it each month. This is very expensive for them...6000 shillings or 83 dollars a month. If the babies go on cows' milk because the mother is not producing enough breast milk they will die. This has been a heartache for the neonatal nurse. She told me that she has been praying for a year for a solution to this problem. Just recently her prayer has been answered and a pediatrician has set up a "nan fund" here. Lena, the nurse(a fabulous, beautiful person) will administer it. She will give indigent moms a month's supply of nan, they will come back to have the babies' weighed at a month and then she will determine if they qualify for another month. when they are about 5 months and a certain weight they can go on cow's milk. Most families of any means have their own cow. This fund will always need more money and I think it would be a great cause for some of us in the states.
The mother I have been working with(Angeline) asked me today if I had another towel. By this I think that she meant she only had one blanket and two babies! Remember ultrasound is only used in emergencies here. So she brought only one blanket and now will have two babies going home to join their 7 brothers and sisters. I called Nairobi this morning and asked the driver to bring me two new baby blankets. I hope he is successful in finding them.
Fortunately people are beginning to be interested in family planning as a result of the community education that Tenwek is doing. The husband told me that "no more babies" because they did something to his wife! Incidently, she has had 3 sets of twins(one set died). Twins incidence is high here.
There is so much more to say....A Masai grandmother and grandfather asked me to pray with them this morning. Their daughter had an emergency section, is in the ICU, and the baby is very premature. They were the sweetest people......both with their identifying long ear lobes. Just like all parents and grandparents they were very concerned and upset.
I could go on and on but enough for today,
mom and dad,
micki and marv
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The "O" word in Kenya
In Kenya "O" is not about oprah's magazine. It is about orphanages.
Yesterday and new friend and I went to visit an orphanage near Bomet. It was sobering. Apparently there are 4 orphanages around here, this being the poorest. About 40 children, ages 3 to 16 greeted us with broad smiles at the gate which hung by a wire, an indication of the horrible conditions we found inside. The children themselves looked nourished, a good sign of some love coming from the one woman who is in charge of the entire place. They led us into the "dining hall" and sang for us and then introduced themselves, told their age and that they loved Jesus. Perhaps it is a performance that they give for all their visitors, but it brought tears to my eyes. Thankfully we know that God loves and calls us all by name, and that He loves each one of these children as well.
After they sang we saw where they sleep, the small ones 2 and 3 to a bed and the kitchen. It consisted of 2 big pots over a wood fire where beans were cooking for lunch. Rice would be added when the beans were done.
They asked me many questions about America. How long does it take to get there?. How many children do I have (I promised to take pictures of them when I return)? I asked them if they had heard of the other "O" word, Obama and of course they had! They wanted to know when I would return and I promised to bring Marv in 2 weeks. Perhaps we can think of some games to play or he can do his famous spoon trick to entertain them as there is nothing, absolutely nothing for them to do at this place. To make matters worse, the teachers remain on strike in Kenya and so they aren't even in school during the week.
We walked to our waiting car to go back to Tenwek and Marcy followed us. She is beautiful and has an infectious smile. I asked her how old she was and found out that she is finishing 8th grade, 13 years old, I think. When you finish 8th grade in this educational system you have to take a comprehensive test in order to go on to secondary school. It is very difficult, but the only avenue to a future here. She asked me if I would pray for her that she will pass her exam. She has nothing, absolutely nothing, in this world and wants to pass more than anything. We in the West have so much and so many opportunities.....Please, please remember this little Kenyan girl in your prayers. Thanks.
love you all,
Yesterday and new friend and I went to visit an orphanage near Bomet. It was sobering. Apparently there are 4 orphanages around here, this being the poorest. About 40 children, ages 3 to 16 greeted us with broad smiles at the gate which hung by a wire, an indication of the horrible conditions we found inside. The children themselves looked nourished, a good sign of some love coming from the one woman who is in charge of the entire place. They led us into the "dining hall" and sang for us and then introduced themselves, told their age and that they loved Jesus. Perhaps it is a performance that they give for all their visitors, but it brought tears to my eyes. Thankfully we know that God loves and calls us all by name, and that He loves each one of these children as well.
After they sang we saw where they sleep, the small ones 2 and 3 to a bed and the kitchen. It consisted of 2 big pots over a wood fire where beans were cooking for lunch. Rice would be added when the beans were done.
They asked me many questions about America. How long does it take to get there?. How many children do I have (I promised to take pictures of them when I return)? I asked them if they had heard of the other "O" word, Obama and of course they had! They wanted to know when I would return and I promised to bring Marv in 2 weeks. Perhaps we can think of some games to play or he can do his famous spoon trick to entertain them as there is nothing, absolutely nothing for them to do at this place. To make matters worse, the teachers remain on strike in Kenya and so they aren't even in school during the week.
We walked to our waiting car to go back to Tenwek and Marcy followed us. She is beautiful and has an infectious smile. I asked her how old she was and found out that she is finishing 8th grade, 13 years old, I think. When you finish 8th grade in this educational system you have to take a comprehensive test in order to go on to secondary school. It is very difficult, but the only avenue to a future here. She asked me if I would pray for her that she will pass her exam. She has nothing, absolutely nothing, in this world and wants to pass more than anything. We in the West have so much and so many opportunities.....Please, please remember this little Kenyan girl in your prayers. Thanks.
love you all,
Saturday, January 24, 2009
June in January
Beside the reality of the wonderful "summer" weather here at Tenwek, it was graduation day for the "interns". That also means that very new interns are now on the wards!
The graduation was very similar to those that many of you have experienced. There was a wonderful sense of completion along with uncertainity about what the next "chapter" will bring. For these graduates, there is a one year mandatory public service. The sites for their service is frequently even more remote with less resources than here at Tenwek.
What was wonderful was that sense of common purpose that is evident in this community and celebrated today in Kenya.
Have a wonderful winter day!
The graduation was very similar to those that many of you have experienced. There was a wonderful sense of completion along with uncertainity about what the next "chapter" will bring. For these graduates, there is a one year mandatory public service. The sites for their service is frequently even more remote with less resources than here at Tenwek.
What was wonderful was that sense of common purpose that is evident in this community and celebrated today in Kenya.
Have a wonderful winter day!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Costco was never this exciting!
Good Morning America!
While you sleep let me tell you about my exciting trip to the grocery store yesterday. One of the longterm missionary wives who is about 5 feet tall drove us in the large Land Rover(first time I had been in a car in a week) to Bomet, the nearest "large" town which is about 8 miles away. It was one of the more exciting 8 miles of my life . The road is narrow, muddy,and full of ruts, major ruts! On the way we encountered several large trucks, one with telephone poles which made it even more interesting. Four wheel drive is a necessity here! It took us about 45 minutes to get to Bomet and it looks like a bustling place .The grocery store was a dark large room filled with interesting things....like potato chips and a large CocaCola bottle! While we were there the power went out and so we had to stand still in the dark and wait for the generator to kick in.....just like in Wilmington! Since we have a food pantry here I didn't need staples but it was fun to get spices which are very cheap and some mint candy as well as the chips! I can get produce at Tenwek at the little shops or" ducas". I will have to confess that I got an frozen ice cream cone as well since there is nothing like that at Tenwek. One of the woman who has four children stocked up on toilet paper....another laundry detergent, things we take for granted. The store is run by Indian people from India, that is. Apparently there are alot of Indians in Kenya who were brought here by the British to build the railroad. They stayed and multiplied! They were very friendly and appreciate the business Tenwek people give them.
Then it was time to load up the car or pack us in! We made the trip worthwhile and there was not much room to move on the way back. We took another route home, just as interesting, but also very scenic and beautiful. The high rolling hills are green right now as we have had rain and are neatly planted...mostly tea farms I think. We saw "typical" african huts as well as shantys, but also some relatively nice homes. The teachers are still on strike and so there were many children out playing and walking along the road.
Well enough for today.....think of me when you go to Harris Teeter today!
Love you all,
While you sleep let me tell you about my exciting trip to the grocery store yesterday. One of the longterm missionary wives who is about 5 feet tall drove us in the large Land Rover(first time I had been in a car in a week) to Bomet, the nearest "large" town which is about 8 miles away. It was one of the more exciting 8 miles of my life . The road is narrow, muddy,and full of ruts, major ruts! On the way we encountered several large trucks, one with telephone poles which made it even more interesting. Four wheel drive is a necessity here! It took us about 45 minutes to get to Bomet and it looks like a bustling place .The grocery store was a dark large room filled with interesting things....like potato chips and a large CocaCola bottle! While we were there the power went out and so we had to stand still in the dark and wait for the generator to kick in.....just like in Wilmington! Since we have a food pantry here I didn't need staples but it was fun to get spices which are very cheap and some mint candy as well as the chips! I can get produce at Tenwek at the little shops or" ducas". I will have to confess that I got an frozen ice cream cone as well since there is nothing like that at Tenwek. One of the woman who has four children stocked up on toilet paper....another laundry detergent, things we take for granted. The store is run by Indian people from India, that is. Apparently there are alot of Indians in Kenya who were brought here by the British to build the railroad. They stayed and multiplied! They were very friendly and appreciate the business Tenwek people give them.
Then it was time to load up the car or pack us in! We made the trip worthwhile and there was not much room to move on the way back. We took another route home, just as interesting, but also very scenic and beautiful. The high rolling hills are green right now as we have had rain and are neatly planted...mostly tea farms I think. We saw "typical" african huts as well as shantys, but also some relatively nice homes. The teachers are still on strike and so there were many children out playing and walking along the road.
Well enough for today.....think of me when you go to Harris Teeter today!
Love you all,
Healing at Tenwek
It has been 11 years since I was at Tenwek. Here are some observations of the changes --
The most evident has been the "connectedness" of this organization. When I was here before it was only a short wave radio BBC that was available. Now, we have the internet and CNN!
There has been a marked expansion of the facilities. Most impressive is the new operating theatre, new nursing school and facilities of the guest house.
There has been a remarkable growth of the educational mission at Tenwek. There are more medical and nursing students as well as faculty for both. One surprise was a "patient simulation center" in the nursing school.
A mixed observation is that there is more treatment for HIV. These HIV treatments have been made possible by both the generosity of the USA in partnership with the Kenyan government and health providers.
What hasn't changed is the dedication to the healing mission of the people that work here. This is a place where faith is translated into actions of compassion to people who suffer more than can be reduced to numbers.
Marvin & Micki
The most evident has been the "connectedness" of this organization. When I was here before it was only a short wave radio BBC that was available. Now, we have the internet and CNN!
There has been a marked expansion of the facilities. Most impressive is the new operating theatre, new nursing school and facilities of the guest house.
There has been a remarkable growth of the educational mission at Tenwek. There are more medical and nursing students as well as faculty for both. One surprise was a "patient simulation center" in the nursing school.
A mixed observation is that there is more treatment for HIV. These HIV treatments have been made possible by both the generosity of the USA in partnership with the Kenyan government and health providers.
What hasn't changed is the dedication to the healing mission of the people that work here. This is a place where faith is translated into actions of compassion to people who suffer more than can be reduced to numbers.
Marvin & Micki
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Micki's New Vocation-Lactation Consultant

Hi Everyone,
When you were listening to CNN yesterday and they said welcome to our friends around the world...that was US! We were able to see some of the festivities. Just as Obama was about to enter the Capital we had a power failure, but it did come back on and so we heard the speech. It is quite something to be in a third world country where transitions are not the norm and then to watch the smoothness that occurred yesterday. We are truly blessed to live in the USA.
I have been very very busy the last couple of days helping a mother, Angeline, feed her twins. Every two hours (during the day) I go to the premie nursery and help her with her breast feeding and then we also supplement with feeding tubes. I wish I could adequately describe the nursery and the incubators these tiny ones are in. First of all it is a small room and extremely warm as there are probably 50 people in it at feeding time. The moms come and sit on little stools in front of the incubators and some bassinettes. They take care of their own babies. The incubators look like little greenhouses or hothouses. They are wooden with glass sides and one side is on a rope which comes down.....some have light bulbs in them to keep them extra warm.
The mattresses are brown plastic about an inch thick with only a blanket or pad on them. They are not big on Pampers here or any clothes for that matter and so my laundry basket is getting full! (At least I know that "my baby " is getting nourishment). They did gain some weight in the past 24 hours so that is exciting. Right now there are 4 sets of twins in the nurser...this tribe has a high incidence of twining. The normal weight babies stay in the bed with their mothers.
Marv is keeping very busy ......alot of pathology and many deliveries. I will let him tell you about that.
Tomorrow I am going into the little town called Bomet. They have a little grocery store there. I had a lovely Kenyan lady named Sarah help me yesterday with some cleaning and washing. The dust here is bad as there is a drought so it was great to clean the floor, window sills, etc. My sinuses are feeling much better today. She helped me go to the duca ("store") stand to pick out some produce. We boil all of our water from rain water although we wash our dishes from the tap. Can't figure that out but so far so good.
Enough for today. Pray that these babies continue to put on some weight and that mama can and will breast feed as she can not afford formula.
Love to you all......
micki and marv
When you were listening to CNN yesterday and they said welcome to our friends around the world...that was US! We were able to see some of the festivities. Just as Obama was about to enter the Capital we had a power failure, but it did come back on and so we heard the speech. It is quite something to be in a third world country where transitions are not the norm and then to watch the smoothness that occurred yesterday. We are truly blessed to live in the USA.
I have been very very busy the last couple of days helping a mother, Angeline, feed her twins. Every two hours (during the day) I go to the premie nursery and help her with her breast feeding and then we also supplement with feeding tubes. I wish I could adequately describe the nursery and the incubators these tiny ones are in. First of all it is a small room and extremely warm as there are probably 50 people in it at feeding time. The moms come and sit on little stools in front of the incubators and some bassinettes. They take care of their own babies. The incubators look like little greenhouses or hothouses. They are wooden with glass sides and one side is on a rope which comes down.....some have light bulbs in them to keep them extra warm.
The mattresses are brown plastic about an inch thick with only a blanket or pad on them. They are not big on Pampers here or any clothes for that matter and so my laundry basket is getting full! (At least I know that "my baby " is getting nourishment). They did gain some weight in the past 24 hours so that is exciting. Right now there are 4 sets of twins in the nurser...this tribe has a high incidence of twining. The normal weight babies stay in the bed with their mothers.
Marv is keeping very busy ......alot of pathology and many deliveries. I will let him tell you about that.
Tomorrow I am going into the little town called Bomet. They have a little grocery store there. I had a lovely Kenyan lady named Sarah help me yesterday with some cleaning and washing. The dust here is bad as there is a drought so it was great to clean the floor, window sills, etc. My sinuses are feeling much better today. She helped me go to the duca ("store") stand to pick out some produce. We boil all of our water from rain water although we wash our dishes from the tap. Can't figure that out but so far so good.
Enough for today. Pray that these babies continue to put on some weight and that mama can and will breast feed as she can not afford formula.
Love to you all......
micki and marv
Monday, January 19, 2009
Work week begins
Marv reported for work early this morning and is on call tonight. He was busy in clinics and in the operating "theatre". I spent the morning getting oriented, exchanging money (although I don't understand the exchange as yet), ordering a cell phone, and rocking a darling baby boy in the nursery. Kids you may get a call one of these days via satellite!
This afternoon I helped put together some booklets for protocols for the hospital. Nothing spectacular, but I think it was helpful. Tomorrow I have to start preparing our meals which should be interesting based on what is available in the food pantry here. No rest for the wicked....and here I thought I wouldn't have to cook!
This is a busy little community.....there are several schools around here and I see the children going to school about 6:30AM and returning around 6 PM. They also go on Saturday! Amazing!People are walking everywhere at all times of the day and night. The terrain is steep in places and their loads are often heavy. There are not many "chubby" people. A donkey just went by with a load of 2 heavy sacks....he was not happy! Each day feels a little more like home
love to all
micki and marv
This afternoon I helped put together some booklets for protocols for the hospital. Nothing spectacular, but I think it was helpful. Tomorrow I have to start preparing our meals which should be interesting based on what is available in the food pantry here. No rest for the wicked....and here I thought I wouldn't have to cook!
This is a busy little community.....there are several schools around here and I see the children going to school about 6:30AM and returning around 6 PM. They also go on Saturday! Amazing!People are walking everywhere at all times of the day and night. The terrain is steep in places and their loads are often heavy. There are not many "chubby" people. A donkey just went by with a load of 2 heavy sacks....he was not happy! Each day feels a little more like home
love to all
micki and marv
Sunday, January 18, 2009
First Sunday in Kenya
It has been a busy day!
We started with a great breakfast at the home of one of the nurses. From there we walked to church for a service, considerably longer than first Pres! We sang one of my favorite hymns, "In Christ Alone". It was a wonderful reminder that we are one all over the world.
We were again entertained for lunch in a Kenyan home, then took a walk down to the river and the dam that provides electricity for the region. It is one of the reasons that Tenwek has grown and prospered.
We can certainly tell that we are 7000 feet above sea level and have had to slow our walking pace down. Either that or we are really out of shape! Maybe a bit of both!
Tonight I helped with a Bible quiz, much like Sunday School, but these kids are training for a competition to be held later. They are so soft spoken and polite, I really had to strain to hear them. Beautiful smart children!
Marv met the young female OB he will work with today and will begin work tomorrow AM. It has been a good day, a lot of sunshine and a little much needed rain.
Good night!
We started with a great breakfast at the home of one of the nurses. From there we walked to church for a service, considerably longer than first Pres! We sang one of my favorite hymns, "In Christ Alone". It was a wonderful reminder that we are one all over the world.
We were again entertained for lunch in a Kenyan home, then took a walk down to the river and the dam that provides electricity for the region. It is one of the reasons that Tenwek has grown and prospered.
We can certainly tell that we are 7000 feet above sea level and have had to slow our walking pace down. Either that or we are really out of shape! Maybe a bit of both!
Tonight I helped with a Bible quiz, much like Sunday School, but these kids are training for a competition to be held later. They are so soft spoken and polite, I really had to strain to hear them. Beautiful smart children!
Marv met the young female OB he will work with today and will begin work tomorrow AM. It has been a good day, a lot of sunshine and a little much needed rain.
Good night!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Hi from Micki
I needed to try my hand at this technology! I can't believe that we are half way around the world! We arrived at about 8 PM kenya time after fairly decent flights on enormous planes that were entirely full. Amazing how those birds get off the ground. Every nationality, every race represented! There were long lines at every departure, but that was OK since there were lots of interesting people to watch.
We met some college friends of Micki's, Mary Smedes Rupke and her husband Stuart Rupke who will also be in Kenya this month although at a different hospital. He is a family practitioner in Saginaw and yes he is shirt tail relation to me!!! Another long line through customs and getting our luggage, but thankfully it all arrived safely. We were picked up by a cheerful young Kenyan named Daniel who took us through Nairobi, a huge city, to the Mennonite GuestHouse and a wonderful comfortable bed. We did not get much sense of the city as it was so dark...many turn abouts which seemed very British!
This morning we had a delicious breakfast and met several interesting people who are doing good work in Kenya and also Darfar. Of all things that has impressed me so far, aside from the beauty and vastness of the countryside, are the numbers of Americans doing non-profit work here. The plane had at least a couple of large groups, one group of soccer players going to Uganda, another church group from Minnesota of all ages. God is really working thorough many folks. When we woke up this morning it was raining, a welcome sight as there is a drought. I could have skipped the small plane ride but Marv was insistent. Let's just say it is over!
More later
We met some college friends of Micki's, Mary Smedes Rupke and her husband Stuart Rupke who will also be in Kenya this month although at a different hospital. He is a family practitioner in Saginaw and yes he is shirt tail relation to me!!! Another long line through customs and getting our luggage, but thankfully it all arrived safely. We were picked up by a cheerful young Kenyan named Daniel who took us through Nairobi, a huge city, to the Mennonite GuestHouse and a wonderful comfortable bed. We did not get much sense of the city as it was so dark...many turn abouts which seemed very British!
This morning we had a delicious breakfast and met several interesting people who are doing good work in Kenya and also Darfar. Of all things that has impressed me so far, aside from the beauty and vastness of the countryside, are the numbers of Americans doing non-profit work here. The plane had at least a couple of large groups, one group of soccer players going to Uganda, another church group from Minnesota of all ages. God is really working thorough many folks. When we woke up this morning it was raining, a welcome sight as there is a drought. I could have skipped the small plane ride but Marv was insistent. Let's just say it is over!
More later
Tenwek Arrival

We left from Wilson Airport in a light rain and arrived at a sunny/warm Tenwek. We received a wonderful welcome from about 50 children at the "dirt" airstrip! We were the Saturday morning entertainment!
We have been assigned our room/apartment at the guest house and are getting settled. Micki will have more to write soon and will probably describe how much she enjoyed the last leg of the trip.
Marvin & Micki
We have been assigned our room/apartment at the guest house and are getting settled. Micki will have more to write soon and will probably describe how much she enjoyed the last leg of the trip.
Marvin & Micki
Friday, January 16, 2009
Safely in Kenya
Friends & Family,
It is 10:30 pm on the 16th. All our flights have gone well. We are staying at the Mennonite Guest House in Nairobi and will leave for Tenwek in the morning. Thanks again for all your prayers and support.
Marvin & Micki
It is 10:30 pm on the 16th. All our flights have gone well. We are staying at the Mennonite Guest House in Nairobi and will leave for Tenwek in the morning. Thanks again for all your prayers and support.
Marvin & Micki
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Getting There - 8700 Miles
Here is a little geography.....Works with Google Maps...Just click on the link!
If you have Google Earth, check it out using that tool.
If you have Google Earth, check it out using that tool.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
PAACS is an abbreviation for the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons with a focus on education. Tenwek is an educational mission hospital and is a member of PAACS. You can find more information at the web site: http://www.cmda.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=PAACS
One of the "projects" has been the preparation of a series obstetric lectures that will be part of a PAACS curriculum. Bringing and giving these lectures is an experiment in education since the context of care is very different than the assumptions of the authors.
The prayer request is that educational impact of these lectures will equip those dedicated Christian surgeons and students to bring healing and relieve suffering. Pray that the learners and teachers will be a witness to their common love of the Great Physician who is the author of the healing mission of the church and the One who is with us in our suffering.
One of the "projects" has been the preparation of a series obstetric lectures that will be part of a PAACS curriculum. Bringing and giving these lectures is an experiment in education since the context of care is very different than the assumptions of the authors.
The prayer request is that educational impact of these lectures will equip those dedicated Christian surgeons and students to bring healing and relieve suffering. Pray that the learners and teachers will be a witness to their common love of the Great Physician who is the author of the healing mission of the church and the One who is with us in our suffering.
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