Sunday, January 18, 2009

First Sunday in Kenya

It has been a busy day!

We started with a great breakfast at the home of one of the nurses. From there we walked to church for a service, considerably longer than first Pres! We sang one of my favorite hymns, "In Christ Alone". It was a wonderful reminder that we are one all over the world.

We were again entertained for lunch in a Kenyan home, then took a walk down to the river and the dam that provides electricity for the region. It is one of the reasons that Tenwek has grown and prospered.

We can certainly tell that we are 7000 feet above sea level and have had to slow our walking pace down. Either that or we are really out of shape! Maybe a bit of both!

Tonight I helped with a Bible quiz, much like Sunday School, but these kids are training for a competition to be held later. They are so soft spoken and polite, I really had to strain to hear them. Beautiful smart children!

Marv met the young female OB he will work with today and will begin work tomorrow AM. It has been a good day, a lot of sunshine and a little much needed rain.

Good night!


1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you all are getting settled. Keep up the walking. You may be ready for a 5k at sea level when you return!
    Life in North Carolina is cool and rainy.
    Life for any Demon Deacon fan is warm and full of start in school history.
    Love to you and Dad.
